Frame properties

The frame properties that you modify with this command only apply to that frame in particular.

  1. In the Insert frames window, place the pointer on the frame you want to modify.

  2. Click on the Frame properties button.

This window contains two tabs: General and Other Properties.

The General tab:

With the menu on this tab you can assign properties and indicate the HTML source file for the frame.

File source

In the Source file text box, write the path and the name of the reference HTML file for the selected frame. You can also find it by pressing the Open button.

Frame Name

In the Frame name text box, you must give a name to your frame. This option will add the NAME attribute to the <FRAME src="..."> command. The NAME attribute is useful when you use the TARGET attribute in a hypertext link. If you want a hypertext link to reference a particular frame, you must add the TARGET="FrameName" attribute to your hypertext link. This attribute is also useful when you work with JavaScripts.

Always suggest a name to the frame


If this option is checked, the program will suggest a name for the frame. The suggested name corresponds to the name of the HTML file which you have referenced as the source document without the .html extension. LetÆs assume that you have specified link.html in the Source file text box as the name of the file to be referenced for the selected frame; the name suggested by the program will simply be link.


You can also include or forbid scroll bars in your frame. The automatic option will display the bars if the content of the frame is wider or longer than the space provided. This option is activated by default.

  • By selecting the Yes option, the scroll bars will be added to the frame. This option will add the SCROLLING="YES" attribute to the <FRAME> command.

  • By selecting the No option, the scroll bars will be forbidden even if the content of the frame is wider or longer than the space provided. This option will add the SCROLLING="NO" attribute to the <FRAME> command.



In this area you can modify the height and the width of the document which appears inside the frame. You must enter the values in pixels in the corresponding boxes. The smallest accepted value is 1 pixel. This option will add the MARGINHEIGHT and MARGINWIDTH attributes to the command <FRAME>.

No resize


You can prevent visitors from resizing frames. This option adds the attribute NORESIZE to the command <FRAME>. NORESIZE is optional. All frames can be resized by default.

The Other Properties tab:

Border color button bmp00006.gif

The Netscape 3.0 browser allows you to add a color to the borders of the frame.

  • Click on the Color button.The default color is gray.

This option adds the attribute BORDERCOLOR to the command <FRAME>.

Frame size in pixels

This option allows you to indicate the exact height and width of a frame in pixels.

Border around the frame


This option allows you to decide whether your frames will have a border or not. If you leave the check mark inside the box, there will be a border around the frame. If you remove the check mark from the box, there won't be a border and the FRAMEBORDER="0" attribute will be added to the <FRAMESET> command. This option does not remove the border but simply frees the space that it usually takes. To remove the space, you need to make changes in the Properties of the frame page.